Karbi Marriage
In the last 30 years I have witnessed only two ADAM ASAR (traditional Karbi marriage) in our village. But it does not mean that the boys and girls of our village are not married during this period. The interesting thing is that all the marriages in our village took place by elopement or living together. So it can be said that the marriage laws in Karbi society is very liberal. If a boy and girl love each other they elope and live together for years and legalise the marriage later, even after the birth of children. It is known as Bisar kechepachok in Karbi custom. In marriage by negotiation total six stages should be proceeded by the bride groom’s family. These six stages are called -1.Nengpi nengso kachingki 2. Piso kehang 3.kepatini or Banta kachingthum 4.Ajo arni kepha 5.Adam Asar or Adam Kangthur or Kepangri 6.Peso riso kethon. Traditional Karbi marriage Adam Asar is a lengthy procedure. So maximum karbi boys prefer marriage by elopement and legalize it later.
Some of the important features about Karbi marriage laws are -1.The offspring belongs to the father’s clan and marriage within a clan is strictly prohibited as all the members of a clan are regarded as brothers and sisters.
2Traditionally the unmarried younger brother of a deceased man marries the widow of his elder brother but in no case, the elder brother can marry the widow of his younger brother
3.Marriage of a man with the maternal uncle’s daughter is the preferential type of marriage. It was rather compulsory in ancient days.
4.A very interesting feature prevalent among Karbis is that the daughters retain their father’s surname even after their marriage.
5. In Akemen marriage, the groom stays in his father-in-law’s house for a year or two or it may be even for life .This is called Piso kemen.
Now adays karbi ADAM ASAR is also seen being celebrated with splendor and extravaganza.
I have attended three Karbi wedding in the first month of 2011. Of course it was a Family wedding. I want to share some pictures of the marriages I have attended with you all….